Transforming and redefining MS

The MS Campaign

Northern Alberta has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the world. While we are far from satisfied with that fact, we are also using it to our advantage, gathering invaluable, province-wide meta-data that drives research, inspires innovation and ignites transformational change.

Powered by your generosity, the University Hospital Foundation (UHF) is committed to raising $12 million to support individuals and their loved ones living with MS.

Dr. Penny Smyth, MS Neurologist


Northern Alberta has one of the highest rates of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the world


MS afflicts women more than men at a rate of three to one


There are currently over 7,000 people receiving care at the MS Clinic at the University of Alberta Hospital

What we’re doing. What needs to be done.

Located at the University of Alberta Hospital, the MS Clinic is a one-stop shop for MS patients, bringing together neurologists, nurses, social workers, neuropsychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists. There is a nurse practitioner who works solely with people with MS as well as the state-of-the-art Doreen Lutsky Hooper Rehabilitation Clinic with specialized programs and trained practitioners in MS rehabilitation.

Still, the wait lines to gain access to care are frustratingly long, as is the process for diagnosing MS. Until researchers gain a greater understanding for what causes the disease, the quest for prevention, and a cure, will continue. That’s why we are building our campaign on these two critical areas – translational research and caring for people living with MS.

“Innovation is the way forward. With the right people and the right resources, we can bring hope to people living with MS and make real progress towards improving their lives.”

Dr. Jodi Abbott, President and CEO
University Hospital Foundation

The role you can play...

Nothing about MS is easy. While so much discovery and progress in drug treatment therapies has been made, it is the road ahead – seeking new ways to diagnose and prevent MS and deliver stream-lined access to the best care possible for people living with MS today – that is proving to be the most challenging.

Alberta Advantage

Thanks to our partnership with Alberta Health Services, researchers can access extraordinarily rich data that makes it possible to conduct immense epidemiological studies that can’t be done elsewhere and helps ensure marginalized groups aren’t excluded. Working as one, nationally and internationally renowned researchers and clinicians at the University of Alberta Hospital’s MS Clinic share insights and findings that are then applied to improve patient care in a repeating loop of research, application and further discovery. Alberta MS patients also participate in research studies – eager to contribute to improving lives. The most critical component of our campaign, however, is you. Your support is crucial to making the level of discovery and innovation needed to transform and redefine MS.

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Have you received life-changing care at the University of Alberta Hospital MS Clinic? 
We want to hear from you!

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Your support is crucial to making the level of discovery and innovation needed to transform and redefine MS.